Inner City Rowhomes

Reintroducing rowhomes to
Calgary's communities.

In 2014, the City of Calgary introduced a new land use district that responded to the evolving housing needs of Calgarians.

The new Residential – Ground Oriented Infill (R-CG) District has allowed pioneering developer/builders to deliver high quality, innovative new housing options for Calgarians looking for the “missing middle” – affordable and flexible inner-city homes that lie somewhere between a traditional condominium and a single-detached home or duplex.

Our ongoing partnership with developer/builders is helping make clear the value of balancing growth between established and greenfield communities while bringing greater diversity and vitality to Calgary’s inner-city.

Inner-city rowhomes are built and designed to allow more Calgarians to embrace the vibrant mix of the inner-city, among walkable neighbourhoods with great access to transit, car sharing services and cycling amenities.

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